Sunday, October 6, 2013

Why We Need a PHP Framework?

Why should I use a framework? Why bother learn and code with framework, instead of pure PHP? Because learning and coding with framework invest more time and man power. I asked these questions before I decided to use a framework for my project site.

A framework actually is a code, that contains classes, tools and methods, which you can use to develop a complex application more efficient. When an application grow more and more complex, a conventional approach (pure PHP coding) is no longer efficient and suitable.

If you develop a simple plain PHP site, it's OK to code without framework. In this case, using framework will slow you and your application down. But if you develop a complex and robust PHP site (eg social network), coding without framework is painful and error prone. In this case you need a consistent and efficient approach, which can avoid you for making errors, bugs, or repeating same codes over and over again.