Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why Choosing The Best PHP Framework is Important

I've been searching for the best PHP framework for my project site. And there're plenty of choices; CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Yii, Symphony, Zend, Yaf and Phalcon, just to name a few of them. Before I chose one of them, I start to think what criteria I should use among them. Beside ease and simplicity, speed and low consuming resources PHP framework would be the main criteria. And one more thing, the best PHP framework should be well documented with tons of tutorial and sample. It's useless if you have the best PHP framework but it's very hard to learn and master.

And if your site is just a common-usual-less-complex site, it's OK to chose PHP framework without careful considerations. But if you're going to build a complex-potentially-heavy-traffic site, it would be disaster if you pick the less effective PHP framework. Because when you realize you've made a bad decisions, you can't change the existing PHP framework just by overnight. It's the same building your site again from scratch.

The most important question is, how do you know it's the best PHP framework (in relative and subjective term)? First, you have to understand the "nature" of all kind of PHP framework. Second, the performance of the PHP framework has been proven by independent bench marking. Let's discuss this on the next post.


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